Ahnendatenbank Niederbayern

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Treffer 1 bis 34 von 34

   Nachname, Taufnamen    Geburt    Personen-Kennung   Stammbaum 
1 Bowman, Paul  1915Lancester/PA I215669 Roswitha Barthel 
2 Brunozzi, Sam  1920Lancester/PA I215674 Roswitha Barthel 
3 Dietz, Ellsworth  15-08-1909Lancester/PA I215670 Roswitha Barthel 
4 Hines, Aaron  1918Lancester/PA I215685 Roswitha Barthel 
5 Kegel, Pauline  13-05-1919Lancester/PA I215684 Roswitha Barthel 
6 Scheibenzuber, Albert  13-09-1911Lancester/PA I215655 Roswitha Barthel 
7 Scheibenzuber, Ann-Mary  24-08-1906Lancester/PA I215619 Roswitha Barthel 
8 Scheibenzuber, Anna  1927Lancester/PA I215664 Roswitha Barthel 
9 Scheibenzuber, Bertha  22-10-1911Lancester/PA I215622 Roswitha Barthel 
10 Scheibenzuber, Frank  23-09-1910Lancester/PA I215654 Roswitha Barthel 
11 Scheibenzuber, Frieda  12-01-1913Lancester/PA I215656 Roswitha Barthel 
12 Scheibenzuber, George  09-10-1916Lancester/PA I215625 Roswitha Barthel 
13 Scheibenzuber, Harold  06-01-1922Lancester/PA I215661 Roswitha Barthel 
14 Scheibenzuber, Helen  02-04-1917Lancester/PA I215658 Roswitha Barthel 
15 Scheibenzuber, Johanna  25-06-1908Lancester/PA I215652 Roswitha Barthel 
16 Scheibenzuber, Joseph  12-05-1913Lancester/PA I215623 Roswitha Barthel 
17 Scheibenzuber, Joseph  20-07-1920Lancester/PA I215660 Roswitha Barthel 
18 Scheibenzuber, Louis  16-05-1918Lancester/PA I215626 Roswitha Barthel 
19 Scheibenzuber, Mary  14-08-1919Lancester/PA I215659 Roswitha Barthel 
20 Scheibenzuber, Mary-Theresa  31-10-1908Lancester/PA I215620 Roswitha Barthel 
21 Scheibenzuber, Mildred  10-07-1925Lancester/PA I215663 Roswitha Barthel 
22 Scheibenzuber, Rose  10-02-1915Lancester/PA I215624 Roswitha Barthel 
23 Scheibenzuber, Sophie-Alvina  06-06-1910Lancester/PA I215621 Roswitha Barthel 
24 Scheibenzuber, Theresa  11-09-1909Lancester/PA I215653 Roswitha Barthel 
25 Scheibenzuber, Theresa  28-06-1914Lancester/PA I215657 Roswitha Barthel 
26 Schulz, George  1910Lancester/PA I215668 Roswitha Barthel 
27 Subers, Anna  06-05-1916Lancester/PA I215678 Roswitha Barthel 
28 Subers, Elsie  02-06-1920Lancester/PA I215680 Roswitha Barthel 
29 Subers, Herman  01-06-1918Lancester/PA I215679 Roswitha Barthel 
30 Subers, John  24-05-1914Lancester/PA I215677 Roswitha Barthel 
31 Wittens?llner, Bertha  1923Lancester/PA I215642 Roswitha Barthel 
32 Wittens?llner, Ludwig  1918Lancester/PA I215640 Roswitha Barthel 
33 Wittens?llner, Mary  1920Lancester/PA I215641 Roswitha Barthel 
34 Wittens?llner, Michael  1916Lancester/PA I215639 Roswitha Barthel 


Treffer 1 bis 49 von 49

   Nachname, Taufnamen    Gestorben    Personen-Kennung   Stammbaum 
1 Boas, Claude  Lancester/PA I215630 Roswitha Barthel 
2 Brunozzi, Sam  1960Lancester/PA I215674 Roswitha Barthel 
3 Burger, Carmelita  Lancester/PA I215633 Roswitha Barthel 
4 Devers, Jane  Lancester/PA I215635 Roswitha Barthel 
5 Dietz, Ellsworth  Lancester/PA I215670 Roswitha Barthel 
6 Flick, Ed  Lancester/PA I215632 Roswitha Barthel 
7 Gantz, Alfred  Lancester/PA I215629 Roswitha Barthel 
8 Heinze, Dan  Lancester/PA I215637 Roswitha Barthel 
9 Hines, Aaron  Lancester/PA I215685 Roswitha Barthel 
10 Kegel, Pauline  25-05-1992Lancester/PA I215684 Roswitha Barthel 
11 Kronthaler, Anna  31-07-1959Lancester/PA I215618 Roswitha Barthel 
12 Leiphart, Phyllis  Lancester/PA I215682 Roswitha Barthel 
13 Nonn, Harry  1993Lancester/PA I215683 Roswitha Barthel 
14 Ranzinger, Theresia  01-05-1946Lancester/PA I215649 Roswitha Barthel 
15 Scheibenzuber, Albert  13-03-1937Lancester/PA I215615 Roswitha Barthel 
16 Scheibenzuber, Albine  1930Lancester/PA I215612 Roswitha Barthel 
17 Scheibenzuber, Ann-Mary  29-07-1996Lancester/PA I215619 Roswitha Barthel 
18 Scheibenzuber, Anna  1927Lancester/PA I215664 Roswitha Barthel 
19 Scheibenzuber, Bertha  10-12-1982Lancester/PA I215622 Roswitha Barthel 
20 Scheibenzuber, George  05-12-2005Lancester/PA I215625 Roswitha Barthel 
21 Scheibenzuber, Harold  2000Lancester/PA I215661 Roswitha Barthel 
22 Scheibenzuber, Helen  11-03-1972Lancester/PA I215658 Roswitha Barthel 
23 Scheibenzuber, Johann  14-09-1934Lancester/PA I215616 Roswitha Barthel 
24 Scheibenzuber, Johanna  10-09-1908Lancester/PA I215652 Roswitha Barthel 
25 Scheibenzuber, Josef  06-06-1952Lancester/PA I215613 Roswitha Barthel 
26 Scheibenzuber, Joseph  04-10-1920Lancester/PA I215660 Roswitha Barthel 
27 Scheibenzuber, Joseph  25-10-1999Lancester/PA I215623 Roswitha Barthel 
28 Scheibenzuber, Louis  28-07-1999Lancester/PA I215626 Roswitha Barthel 
29 Scheibenzuber, Mary-Theresa  04-10-1935Lancester/PA I215620 Roswitha Barthel 
30 Scheibenzuber, Mildred  07-07-2001Lancester/PA I215663 Roswitha Barthel 
31 Scheibenzuber, Rose  14-03-1945Lancester/PA I215624 Roswitha Barthel 
32 Scheibenzuber, Sophie-Alvina  12-09-1993Lancester/PA I215621 Roswitha Barthel 
33 Scheibenzuber, Theresa  30-09-1909Lancester/PA I215653 Roswitha Barthel 
34 Scheibenzuber, Theresia  Lancester/PA I215617 Roswitha Barthel 
35 Schmid, Josef  Lancester/PA I215751 Roswitha Barthel 
36 Schneider, Anna  19-07-1956Lancester/PA I215676 Roswitha Barthel 
37 Schreck, Charles  Lancester/PA I215628 Roswitha Barthel 
38 Subers, Anna  Lancester/PA I215678 Roswitha Barthel 
39 Subers, Elsie  11-12-1996Lancester/PA I215680 Roswitha Barthel 
40 Subers, Herman  27-07-2005Lancester/PA I215679 Roswitha Barthel 
41 Subers, John  10-07-1970Lancester/PA I215677 Roswitha Barthel 
42 Walters, N.  1945Lancester/PA I215631 Roswitha Barthel 
43 Weidmann, Betty  Lancester/PA I215636 Roswitha Barthel 
44 Wittens?llner, Bertha  Lancester/PA I215642 Roswitha Barthel 
45 Wittens?llner, Ludwig  Lancester/PA I215638 Roswitha Barthel 
46 Wittens?llner, Ludwig  Lancester/PA I215640 Roswitha Barthel 
47 Wittens?llner, Mary  Lancester/PA I215641 Roswitha Barthel 
48 Wittens?llner, Michael  Lancester/PA I215639 Roswitha Barthel 
49 Yoder, John  Lancester/PA I215634 Roswitha Barthel 


Treffer 1 bis 50 von 52

1 2 Vorwärts»

   Nachname, Taufnamen    Begraben    Personen-Kennung   Stammbaum 
1 Boas, Claude  Lancester/PA I215630 Roswitha Barthel 
2 Bowman, Paul  Lancester/PA I215669 Roswitha Barthel 
3 Brunozzi, Sam  Lancester/PA I215674 Roswitha Barthel 
4 Burger, Carmelita  Lancester/PA I215633 Roswitha Barthel 
5 Devers, Jane  Lancester/PA I215635 Roswitha Barthel 
6 Dietz, Ellsworth  Lancester/PA I215670 Roswitha Barthel 
7 Flick, Ed  Lancester/PA I215632 Roswitha Barthel 
8 Gantz, Alfred  Lancester/PA I215629 Roswitha Barthel 
9 Heinze, Dan  Lancester/PA I215637 Roswitha Barthel 
10 Hines, Aaron  Lancester/PA I215685 Roswitha Barthel 
11 Kegel, Pauline  Lancester/PA I215684 Roswitha Barthel 
12 Kronthaler, Anna  Lancester/PA I215618 Roswitha Barthel 
13 Leiphart, Phyllis  Lancester/PA I215682 Roswitha Barthel 
14 Nonn, Harry  Lancester/PA I215683 Roswitha Barthel 
15 Ranzinger, Theresia  Lancester/PA I215649 Roswitha Barthel 
16 Scheibenzuber, Albert  Lancester/PA I215615 Roswitha Barthel 
17 Scheibenzuber, Albine  Lancester/PA I215612 Roswitha Barthel 
18 Scheibenzuber, Ann-Mary  Lancester/PA I215619 Roswitha Barthel 
19 Scheibenzuber, Anna  Lancester/PA I215664 Roswitha Barthel 
20 Scheibenzuber, Bertha  Lancester/PA I215622 Roswitha Barthel 
21 Scheibenzuber, George  Lancester/PA I215625 Roswitha Barthel 
22 Scheibenzuber, Harold  Lancester/PA I215661 Roswitha Barthel 
23 Scheibenzuber, Helen  Lancester/PA I215658 Roswitha Barthel 
24 Scheibenzuber, Johann  Lancester/PA I215616 Roswitha Barthel 
25 Scheibenzuber, Johanna  Lancester/PA I215652 Roswitha Barthel 
26 Scheibenzuber, Josef  Lancester/PA I215613 Roswitha Barthel 
27 Scheibenzuber, Joseph  Lancester/PA I215623 Roswitha Barthel 
28 Scheibenzuber, Joseph  Lancester/PA I215660 Roswitha Barthel 
29 Scheibenzuber, Louis  Lancester/PA I215626 Roswitha Barthel 
30 Scheibenzuber, Mary-Theresa  Lancester/PA I215620 Roswitha Barthel 
31 Scheibenzuber, Mildred  Lancester/PA I215663 Roswitha Barthel 
32 Scheibenzuber, Rose  Lancester/PA I215624 Roswitha Barthel 
33 Scheibenzuber, Sophie-Alvina  Lancester/PA I215621 Roswitha Barthel 
34 Scheibenzuber, Theresa  Lancester/PA I215653 Roswitha Barthel 
35 Scheibenzuber, Theresa  Lancester/PA I215657 Roswitha Barthel 
36 Scheibenzuber, Theresia  Lancester/PA I215617 Roswitha Barthel 
37 Schmid, Josef  Lancester/PA I215751 Roswitha Barthel 
38 Schneider, Anna  Lancester/PA I215676 Roswitha Barthel 
39 Schreck, Charles  Lancester/PA I215628 Roswitha Barthel 
40 Schulz, George  Lancester/PA I215668 Roswitha Barthel 
41 Subers, Anna  Lancester/PA I215678 Roswitha Barthel 
42 Subers, Elsie  Lancester/PA I215680 Roswitha Barthel 
43 Subers, Herman  Lancester/PA I215679 Roswitha Barthel 
44 Subers, John  Lancester/PA I215677 Roswitha Barthel 
45 Walters, N.  Lancester/PA I215631 Roswitha Barthel 
46 Weidmann, Betty  Lancester/PA I215636 Roswitha Barthel 
47 Wittens?llner, Bertha  Lancester/PA I215642 Roswitha Barthel 
48 Wittens?llner, Ludwig  Lancester/PA I215638 Roswitha Barthel 
49 Wittens?llner, Ludwig  Lancester/PA I215640 Roswitha Barthel 
50 Wittens?llner, Mary  Lancester/PA I215641 Roswitha Barthel 

1 2 Vorwärts»


Treffer 1 bis 25 von 25

   Familie    Verheiratet    Familien-Kennung   Stammbaum 
1 Boas / Scheibenzuber  1932Lancester/PA F75992 Roswitha Barthel 
2 Bowman / Scheibenzuber  1945Lancester/PA F76007 Roswitha Barthel 
3 Brunozzi / Scheibenzuber  1950Lancester/PA F76012 Roswitha Barthel 
4 Dietz / Scheibenzuber  1940Lancester/PA F76008 Roswitha Barthel 
5 Familier / Scheibenzuber  1935Lancester/PA F76005 Roswitha Barthel 
6 Flick / Scheibenzuber  1946Lancester/PA F75994 Roswitha Barthel 
7 Gantz / Scheibenzuber  1930Lancester/PA F75991 Roswitha Barthel 
8 Hines / Subers  1945Lancester/PA F76018 Roswitha Barthel 
9 McCauley / Scheibenzuber  1925Lancester/PA F76003 Roswitha Barthel 
10 Nonn / Subers  1938Lancester/PA F76016 Roswitha Barthel 
11 Scheibenzuber / Burger  1935Lancester/PA F75995 Roswitha Barthel 
12 Scheibenzuber / Devers  1946Lancester/PA F75997 Roswitha Barthel 
13 Scheibenzuber / Kronthaler  1905Lancester/PA F75989 Roswitha Barthel 
14 Scheibenzuber / N  1925Lancester/PA F76001 Roswitha Barthel 
15 Scheibenzuber / Schneider  14-02-1912Lancester/PA F76014 Roswitha Barthel 
16 Scheibenzuber / Vatter  1935Lancester/PA F76004 Roswitha Barthel 
17 Scheibenzuber / Weidmann  1946Lancester/PA F75998 Roswitha Barthel 
18 Schreck / Scheibenzuber  1928Lancester/PA F75990 Roswitha Barthel 
19 Schulz / Scheibenzuber  1935Lancester/PA F76006 Roswitha Barthel 
20 Sharpe / Scheibenzuber  1942Lancester/PA F76009 Roswitha Barthel 
21 Subers / Kegel  1945Lancester/PA F76017 Roswitha Barthel 
22 Subers / Leiphart  1940Lancester/PA F76015 Roswitha Barthel 
23 Walters / Scheibenzuber  1935Lancester/PA F75993 Roswitha Barthel 
24 Wittens?llner / Scheibenzuber  1915Lancester/PA F76000 Roswitha Barthel 
25 Yoder / Scheibenzuber  1938Lancester/PA F75996 Roswitha Barthel 

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