Ahnendatenbank Niederbayern

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   Nachname, Taufnamen    Geburt    Personen-Kennung   Stammbaum 
51 Friedl, Anna  1645Haag I115362 Roswitha Barthel 
52 Friedl, Anna  24-03-1876Haag I65732 Roswitha Barthel 
53 Friedl, Anna  24-02-1893Haag I4563 Roswitha Barthel 
54 Friedl, Georg  1660Haag I298635 Roswitha Barthel 
55 Friedl, Georg  16-04-1743Haag I171213 Roswitha Barthel 
56 Friedl, Johann  1560Haag I295568 Roswitha Barthel 
57 Friedl, Johann  30-06-1896Haag I23132 Roswitha Barthel 
58 Friedl, Lorenz  1645Haag I295077 Roswitha Barthel 
59 Friedl, Margarethe  1632Haag I296290 Roswitha Barthel 
60 Friedl, Maria  29-12-1672Haag I295076 Roswitha Barthel 
61 Friedl, Maria  02-07-1740Haag I298611 Roswitha Barthel 
62 Friedl, Michael  1590Haag I295566 Roswitha Barthel 
63 Friedl, Philipp  1705Haag I171212 Roswitha Barthel 
64 Friedl, Susanne  1630Haag I213781 Roswitha Barthel 
65 Friedl, Thomas  1600Haag I211425 Roswitha Barthel 
66 Friedl, Ursula  1600Haag I295570 Roswitha Barthel 
67 Friedl, Veit  1630Haag I298636 Roswitha Barthel 
68 Fuchs, Andreas  1653Haag I56052 Roswitha Barthel 
69 Geis, Christian  18-12-1754Haag I72810 Roswitha Barthel 
70 Gigenberger, Martin  1635Haag I70982 Roswitha Barthel 
71 Gigenberger, Susanne  1665Haag I70981 Roswitha Barthel 
72 Gro?, Anna  24-07-1874Haag I113593 Roswitha Barthel 
73 Gro?, Franziska  13-12-1850Haag I83234 Roswitha Barthel 
74 Gro?, Josef  17-01-1881Haag I86185 Roswitha Barthel 
75 Guppenberger, Barbara  03-12-1654Haag I280872 Roswitha Barthel 
76 Guppenberger, Bartholom?us  21-08-1667Haag I280861 Roswitha Barthel 
77 Guppenberger, Blasius  1686Haag I280863 Roswitha Barthel 
78 Guppenberger, Eva  10-12-1661Haag I280874 Roswitha Barthel 
79 Guppenberger, Georg  20-03-1659Haag I280873 Roswitha Barthel 
80 Guppenberger, Rosina  22-02-1652Haag I280871 Roswitha Barthel 
81 H?dl, Franz  08-01-1788Haag I72268 Roswitha Barthel 
82 Hartl, Rosa  1900Haag I170567 Roswitha Barthel 
83 Haslbauer, Juliane  06-04-1730Haag I296599 Roswitha Barthel 
84 Hausrucker, Peter  1715Haag I44664 Roswitha Barthel 
85 Hirsch, Blasius  1565Haag I281037 Roswitha Barthel 
86 Hirsch, Christine  1600Haag I280214 Roswitha Barthel 
87 Hirsch, Franz  1700Haag I281899 Roswitha Barthel 
88 Hirsch, Georg  22-04-1610Haag I281048 Roswitha Barthel 
89 Hirsch, Johann  1585Haag I281039 Roswitha Barthel 
90 Hirsch, Matthias  1665Haag I281900 Roswitha Barthel 
91 Hirsch, Michael  1612Haag I281049 Roswitha Barthel 
92 Hobelsberger, Johanna  12-07-1864Haag I77914 Roswitha Barthel 
93 Hobelsberger, Matthias  1747Haag I46596 Roswitha Barthel 
94 Hobelsberger, Ursula  21-11-1755Haag I28971 Roswitha Barthel 
95 Ilg, Maria  03-05-1881Haag I78846 Roswitha Barthel 
96 K?ck, Johann  20-07-1830Haag I77911 Roswitha Barthel 
97 Kandlbinder, Johann  1800Haag I170728 Roswitha Barthel 
98 Klinger, Anton  1740Haag I276276 Roswitha Barthel 
99 Klinger, Maria  1770Haag I276273 Roswitha Barthel 
100 Klinginger, Theresia  17-08-1785Haag I72505 Roswitha Barthel 

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Treffer 51 bis 100 von 391

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   Nachname, Taufnamen    Gestorben    Personen-Kennung   Stammbaum 
51 Eiden, Peter  >1609Haag I52029 Roswitha Barthel 
52 F?rst, Theresia  18-12-1956Haag I168820 Roswitha Barthel 
53 Feldmayr, Barbara  Haag I84773 Roswitha Barthel 
54 Fesl, Friedrich  02-07-1944Haag I169768 Roswitha Barthel 
55 Fesl, Friedrich  22-06-1995Haag I170813 Roswitha Barthel 
56 Fesl, Johann  1947Haag I168685 Roswitha Barthel 
57 Fesl, Johann  23-11-1983Haag I170811 Roswitha Barthel 
58 Fesl, Ludwig  06-05-2001Haag I170859 Roswitha Barthel 
59 Fesl, Max  1974Haag I168687 Roswitha Barthel 
60 Fisch, Aloisia  26-08-1973Haag I168819 Roswitha Barthel 
61 Fisch, N.  Haag I77830 Roswitha Barthel 
62 Fischer, Klara  19-01-1996Haag I171144 Roswitha Barthel 
63 Fischer, Philipp  >1765Haag I296112 Roswitha Barthel 
64 Friedl, Georg  Haag I23130 Roswitha Barthel 
65 Friedl, Georg  Haag I298635 Roswitha Barthel 
66 Friedl, Johann  Haag I295568 Roswitha Barthel 
67 Friedl, Lorenz  <1698Haag I295077 Roswitha Barthel 
68 Friedl, Maria  Haag I295076 Roswitha Barthel 
69 Friedl, Susanne  1670Haag I213781 Roswitha Barthel 
70 Friedl, Theresia  Haag I13783 Roswitha Barthel 
71 Friedl, Thomas  <1686Haag I211425 Roswitha Barthel 
72 Friedl, Veit  Haag I298636 Roswitha Barthel 
73 Fritz, Maria  Haag I170167 Roswitha Barthel 
74 Fuchs, Anna  Haag I86103 Roswitha Barthel 
75 Gieber, Josef  31-07-1976Haag I170670 Roswitha Barthel 
76 Gigenberger, Martin  Haag I70982 Roswitha Barthel 
77 Graf, Anna  Haag I82541 Roswitha Barthel 
78 Gro?, Georg  10-01-1931Haag I83233 Roswitha Barthel 
79 Gro?, Josef  Haag I85885 Roswitha Barthel 
80 Gro?, Josef  Haag I86185 Roswitha Barthel 
81 Gro?, Josef  24-12-1894Haag I78685 Roswitha Barthel 
82 Gro?, Theresia  Haag I69119 Roswitha Barthel 
83 Guppenberger, Barbara  Haag I280872 Roswitha Barthel 
84 Guppenberger, Bartholom?us  <1714Haag I280861 Roswitha Barthel 
85 Guppenberger, Blasius  Haag I280863 Roswitha Barthel 
86 Guppenberger, Eva  Haag I280874 Roswitha Barthel 
87 Guppenberger, Georg  Haag I280873 Roswitha Barthel 
88 Guppenberger, Martin  Haag I280856 Roswitha Barthel 
89 Guppenberger, Rosina  Haag I280871 Roswitha Barthel 
90 Gutsmiedl, Anna-M.  Haag I95573 Roswitha Barthel 
91 H?dl, Ludwig  1976Haag I168718 Roswitha Barthel 
92 H?fenkrieg, Franz  12-09-1946Haag I170305 Roswitha Barthel 
93 H?fenkrieg, Franz  13-09-1951Haag I170308 Roswitha Barthel 
94 H?fenkrieg, Rupert  1917Haag I170310 Roswitha Barthel 
95 H?ller, Anna  23-11-2004Haag I168746 Roswitha Barthel 
96 H?pfl, Helmut  1998Haag I168702 Roswitha Barthel 
97 Haas, Barbara  Haag I281047 Roswitha Barthel 
98 Hartl, Franz  23-10-1987Haag I170268 Roswitha Barthel 
99 Hartl, Franziska  02-01-1981Haag I170922 Roswitha Barthel 
100 Hartl, Johann  25-05-1944Haag I170267 Roswitha Barthel 

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Treffer 51 bis 100 von 591

«Zurück 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 12» Vorwärts»

   Nachname, Taufnamen    Begraben    Personen-Kennung   Stammbaum 
51 Bayer, Balthasar  Haag I170626 Roswitha Barthel 
52 Bieringer, Georg  Haag I212880 Roswitha Barthel 
53 Brandstetter, Max  Haag I170280 Roswitha Barthel 
54 Brandstetter, Max  Haag I170290 Roswitha Barthel 
55 Breitenbacher, Albert  Haag I147675 Roswitha Barthel 
56 Breitenfellner, Friedrich  Haag I171552 Roswitha Barthel 
57 Bucher, Johann  Haag I294804 Roswitha Barthel 
58 Buchetmann, Johann  Haag I170431 Roswitha Barthel 
59 Cerny, Josef  Haag I170204 Roswitha Barthel 
60 Cerny, Josef  Haag I170206 Roswitha Barthel 
61 Christl, Karoline  Haag I170111 Roswitha Barthel 
62 Deiner, Katharina  Haag I171410 Roswitha Barthel 
63 Dillis, Eustach  Haag I122438 Roswitha Barthel 
64 Donaubauer, Anna  Haag I171426 Roswitha Barthel 
65 Duschl, Franz  Haag I171282 Roswitha Barthel 
66 Duschl, Josef  Haag I171277 Roswitha Barthel 
67 Eggersdorfer, Alois  Haag I171307 Roswitha Barthel 
68 Eggersdorfer, Alois  Haag I171310 Roswitha Barthel 
69 Eggersdorfer, Anna  Haag I171304 Roswitha Barthel 
70 Eggersdorfer, Franz  Haag I171305 Roswitha Barthel 
71 Eggersdorfer, Friedrich  Haag I171309 Roswitha Barthel 
72 Eggersdorfer, Josef  Haag I171299 Roswitha Barthel 
73 Eggersdorfer, Josef  Haag I171302 Roswitha Barthel 
74 Eggersdorfer, Ludwig  Haag I171303 Roswitha Barthel 
75 Eggersdorfer, Rosina  Haag I171308 Roswitha Barthel 
76 Eggersdorfer, Theresia  Haag I171306 Roswitha Barthel 
77 F?rst, Theresia  Haag I168820 Roswitha Barthel 
78 F?rst, Theresia  Haag I170391 Roswitha Barthel 
79 Falkinger, Maria  Haag I170509 Roswitha Barthel 
80 Fenzl, Alois  Haag I171534 Roswitha Barthel 
81 Fenzl, Anna  Haag I170615 Roswitha Barthel 
82 Fesl, Anna  Haag I171436 Roswitha Barthel 
83 Fesl, Friedrich  Haag I169768 Roswitha Barthel 
84 Fesl, Friedrich  Haag I170813 Roswitha Barthel 
85 Fesl, Johann  Haag I168685 Roswitha Barthel 
86 Fesl, Johann  Haag I169758 Roswitha Barthel 
87 Fesl, Johann  Haag I170811 Roswitha Barthel 
88 Fesl, Josefine  Haag I171583 Roswitha Barthel 
89 Fesl, Katharina  Haag I170565 Roswitha Barthel 
90 Fesl, Ludwig  Haag I170859 Roswitha Barthel 
91 Fesl, Max  Haag I168687 Roswitha Barthel 
92 Fesl, Otto  Haag I171581 Roswitha Barthel 
93 Fisch, Aloisia  Haag I168819 Roswitha Barthel 
94 Fisch, Anna  Haag I171417 Roswitha Barthel 
95 Fisch, Franz-X.  Haag I171516 Roswitha Barthel 
96 Fisch, Johann  Haag I171490 Roswitha Barthel 
97 Fisch, Josef  Haag I171493 Roswitha Barthel 
98 Fisch, Rosa  Haag I171492 Roswitha Barthel 
99 Fisch, Walburga  Haag I170337 Roswitha Barthel 
100 Fischer, Anna  Haag I170192 Roswitha Barthel 

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Treffer 51 bis 100 von 152

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   Familie    Verheiratet    Familien-Kennung   Stammbaum 
51 Irry / Waldbauer  25-11-1935Haag F61058 Roswitha Barthel 
52 Irry / Watzinger  10-02-1902Haag F61056 Roswitha Barthel 
53 Jungwirth / H?ltl  16-06-1914Haag F61234 Roswitha Barthel 
54 Jungwirth / Pr?gl  1937Haag F60953 Roswitha Barthel 
55 Jungwirth / Reischl  1959Haag F61235 Roswitha Barthel 
56 K?mmeringer / Bauer  1930Haag F61202 Roswitha Barthel 
57 K?mmeringer / H?ller  1955Haag F60356 Roswitha Barthel 
58 K?mmeringer / Hartl  1920Haag F61037 Roswitha Barthel 
59 K?mmeringer / Kn?dlseder  1903Haag F61199 Roswitha Barthel 
60 K?mmeringer / Kn?dlseder  23-05-1911Haag F60355 Roswitha Barthel 
61 K?mmeringer / Moser  1934Haag F61189 Roswitha Barthel 
62 K?mmeringer / Moser  1935Haag F49076 Roswitha Barthel 
63 K?mmeringer / Waginger  1910Haag F61035 Roswitha Barthel 
64 K?mmeringer / Wagner  1919Haag F60862 Roswitha Barthel 
65 Kern / Steil  1905Haag F60916 Roswitha Barthel 
66 Kern / Wagner  17-03-1907Haag F100051 Roswitha Barthel 
67 Kinateder / Falkinger  1906Haag F60967 Roswitha Barthel 
68 Kinateder / Kern  1950Haag F60944 Roswitha Barthel 
69 Kinateder / Kramer  26-05-1939Haag F60822 Roswitha Barthel 
70 Kinateder / Meier  26-05-1939Haag F61268 Roswitha Barthel 
71 Kinateder / Ritzer  31-05-1910Haag F61267 Roswitha Barthel 
72 Kinateder / Schauer  1918Haag F60948 Roswitha Barthel 
73 Kinateder / Wolf  1947Haag F60964 Roswitha Barthel 
74 Kloiber / Bauer  12-11-1928Haag F60750 Roswitha Barthel 
75 Kn?dlseder / Bauer  1923Haag F61284 Roswitha Barthel 
76 Kn?dlseder / K?mmeringer  1912Haag F60779 Roswitha Barthel 
77 Kn?dlseder / K?mmeringer  1937Haag F65620 Roswitha Barthel 
78 Kn?dlseder / Lang  14-06-1910Haag F65617 Roswitha Barthel 
79 Kn?dlseder / N  1930Haag F61094 Roswitha Barthel 
80 Kn?dlseder / N  1935Haag F65618 Roswitha Barthel 
81 Kn?dlseder / Sch?tzl  27-01-1951Haag F61288 Roswitha Barthel 
82 Kn?dlseder / Schauer  10-11-1903Haag F60354 Roswitha Barthel 
83 Kn?dlseder / Wintersberger  1919Haag F60867 Roswitha Barthel 
84 Knon / F?rst  24-01-1911Haag F60923 Roswitha Barthel 
85 Knon / Holler  1939Haag F60929 Roswitha Barthel 
86 Knon / Steil  1939Haag F60903 Roswitha Barthel 
87 Krottenthaler / Knon  01-1948Haag F61026 Roswitha Barthel 
88 Leierseder / Bauer  1919Haag F60836 Roswitha Barthel 
89 Leierseder / Moser  07-10-1957Haag F60838 Roswitha Barthel 
90 Leithenm?ller / K?mmeringer  1936Haag F61200 Roswitha Barthel 
91 Lorenz / Knon  05-1931Haag F61024 Roswitha Barthel 
92 Lorenz / Wasner  09-1909Haag F61023 Roswitha Barthel 
93 Meisinger / Bauer  1943Haag F60339 Roswitha Barthel 
94 Meisinger / N  1895Haag F61331 Roswitha Barthel 
95 Michl / Steininger  1939Haag F61304 Roswitha Barthel 
96 Mittendorfer / N  1915Haag F61065 Roswitha Barthel 
97 Moser / N  1929Haag F61274 Roswitha Barthel 
98 Moser / Schm?ller  1938Haag F60884 Roswitha Barthel 
99 Moser / Sexlinger  1937Haag F61275 Roswitha Barthel 
100 Peldszus / Kinateder  1958Haag F61041 Roswitha Barthel 

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